Monday, December 1, 2008


Motivation can either be a positive word (I'm motivated to finish my holiday shopping by December 5th) or a negative word (I'm not going to eat any fudge this month so I don't have to lose 10 pounds next year.) My latest idea involves motivation when you visit a website. Much like when I visit a mall, I have specific stores I want to visit for specific gifts or items. After that or in between that are many more stores which have appealing displays. I stop to look at the window display and then am sometimes drawn inside (okay always drawn inside!) for further browsing and possibly purchasing.

Does this same behavior apply online? Do you go to specific shopping sites to find a specific something? Get sidetracked by seeing something else? I confess to not being an avid online shopper but my latest example is an Amazon purchase. When I located my item, I did look to see what others had purchased.

In the same vein as shopping, when you visit the library website, are you using the search box exclusively to find your materials? Are you sidetracked by the book covers on the home page? Are you putting any of these things on hold? Is reading/listenening/watching motivation different than shopping motivation?

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