think of the changes that have occurred since our parents' days. we've gone from black and white tv to full press high def color. it's come down to making reservations for the high def tv in our household for special tv shows or football games because the non high def tv just doesn't cut it! music was provided via a radio ~ look how far we've come! music is now a music video or it's something on youtube but the presentation of it is much more visual. even our shopping can be conducted visually. choose to upload a photo of yourself and you can virtually try on clothes or new hairdo's.
websites are drumming to the same beat as you have well seen in this blog from the pages presented to you. we're trying to take the physical collection that sits on the shelves and put them online for you to interact with as much as possible. this blog has already ruminated on the online experience - what kind of online shopper are you - the browser who likes to look around or the shopper with the exact list?
what examples have you run across that confirms this notion of visual presentation? in the meantime, may your dreams be merry (visually, of course!) and don't forget to leave out the milk and cookies wed nite!
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