Happy Monday and Thanksgiving week!
Seems to be the pattern to post sneak peeks of web pages. Here's another page to show you - this one is the Programs & Events page. Now, don't take the actual content as "things we're doing" but more as placeholders for possibility.
You can see that we are following the same style you've seen in previously posted screen shots. The top grid will feature programs in a graphic way while the 2nd box will provide more copy or text to a program we want to feature. The smaller 1/3 sized box will be navigation while the 3rd box will also feature more programs searchable via one click to find standard programs we always provide such as storytimes, computer classes or book clubs.
As always, your input is much appreciated. In the meantime, enjoy your week of Thanks!
The new design looks slick (I mean that in a positive way). I strongly urge you to consider a menu option called myarapahoelibrary. As with the Google home page, card holders would be able to customize their home page to reflect their specific interests. I might want to combine a view of an event calendar from my local library, a view of my materials checked out and number of days until due date, new books, CDs, DVDs, etc. that are at *my* library (rather than just those available across the district), links to book reviews by genre, shortcuts to my most frequently used research databases, etc.
The reality is that card holders have a relationship with a specific library, not w/ the District as a whole. I know it is not easy to design such capabilities into a website, but I urge you to consider such customization options. If this is already in the new design and I have not seen it, all the better.
Keep up the good work!
Thx for your comment and input. It is much appreciated. You aren't the first person to have asked for personalizing - it was discussed last year when we conducted focus groups! Your idea is something we will definitely take under consideration. While you probably will not see everything w/ the initial release, we have captured your ideas to place in our "parking lot" and will follow up in our Phase 2. Thx again!
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