Monday, December 8, 2008

Do You Hover?

Do you remember the parenting articles that came out awhile back about "helicopter parents?" These are the parents who hover and stay extremely close to their children, to monitor and try to prevent harm and even sheltering them from failure.

Well, if you can follow the leap from helicopter parents to hovering as a verb ~ then the rest of this blog will make sense, I promise! We've been checking out and websites to see how they present their collection. Granted, you've heard this before if you're a regular blog reader. One of the nice things they do is offer a hover box. Scroll over a cover and you are presented with additional information. We thought this was a nifty feature and are working on building it on our site........ So here's the million dollar question of the day, do you like it? Does it offer anything value-added to your experience? Rather not be bothered by it? Share your experiences here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the idea! The less I have to click, the more I like it as a patron.