Monday, March 22, 2010

What we know......

Wow - thx for the comments! Your input is much appreciated ~ keep them coming! Here are some of the things we know that is happening during this beta period:
  • the site will be slower loading than it should be. we have not optimized the website and will do so before launch date so that it loads more quickly
  • the site can perform actions more slowly now due to the regular import of catalog items that is happening. in fact you may get error messages on the screen as a result. please bear with us!
Lastly, your comments regarding the Recently Ordered have generated conversations internally - thank you!


Anonymous said...

First of all, new website looks great! I'm so happy to see an updated web 2.0 version with some nice colors. Other all the searching has much improved.. my other suggestion/issue is when searching Children's Books. I see that I can search children picture books, easy readers, etc... however if I want to do a keyword search in Children's Books it is not an option. For example, I would like to search in Children's Picture books for books with the keyword "PATIENCE"... seems I can only search children books or keyword "patience" searching ALL books. If this is a option that could be added that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all the hard work!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your input! I wanted to reply with a suggestion for the example you provide. By using the subject headings, you can narrow your search. Try these searches:

patience easy picture book
patience easy reader

and let me know if these help.

cynthia, web coordinator