Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finding and Findability

While this blog could be considered a play on words, please consider it a plea for just that...how do you find and what is considered findable in your vocabulary?

For instance, when I visit a website that I haven't used before I usually am skimming the page to find the content that seems relevant and on target. It's like playing the game of "hot" and "cold" where you're supposed to find an object with your eyes closed and your only clues are "hot" when you're getting close......When I don't find the content I'm looking for ("cold") then my next task is to find the search box so the search function can help me find what I'm seeking. No search box? Bad news - I'm usually leaving the site!

As we continue to develop our webpages, one of the things we will be configuring is the subpage Books. A rather important page in the scheme of things, we want to place side navigation on this page populated with reading categories. So are there categories or types of books that are must-haves for you? Want a clickable "mystery" or "romance" option? Don't care? How would you want to find the latest James Patterson, the latest Hillerman? Not only does it apply to adult literature, but we could also think about teen literature and childrens literature, too. Have any opinions? Post 'em here!

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