Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome August!

Have you begun to hear the sound of leaves your feet instead of in the trees? Have you been craving the scent of sharpened pencils? Then you know it's that time of year called back to school.......

Feel free to check out our website presences for great school/homework resources:
  • Homework & Research in the teensite provides relevant databases & website links
  • Homework in Tales Treehouse lists databases for children and subject guides (to some of the more common topics like biographies and biomes)
  • Research & Business on the mainsite is one path to access the database products
Our work on the website continues on the back-end. We continue to work on importing records to have the most up-to-date information available on the website and try to have the covers available, too!

Let us know how your searches and interaction have been going with the new website! In the meantime, it's only 14 days left til school starts at my house!

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