Monday, June 30, 2008

New Feature - No Re-verify

I love cubicle conversations and learn so much from them.....from sharing recipes like sweet potato rolls to learning about new shopping destinations! Besides the fun that comes from office conversations, I just learned that we now offer something called "no re-verify." While very much the internal and technical term, what it means for you and I is that once we enter "my library account," we can then go into the research databases without needing to enter our library card again! We can jump to the catalog and place a hold without needing to enter our library card again (you will be prompted for location pickup).

For me, this is a great feature. I was helping my kids with homework and moving from one database to another. Each time I was prompted to type in my library card number. This will save time (especially when I can't type well in the first place!) and provide greater convenience, too.

Here's hoping you love this new "no re-verify" feature like I do!

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