Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feeling the change?

Amidst the gorgeous fall leaves, the weather is turning. I had to dig for my raincoat this morning and the radio reports snow falling in Loveland. Being a native Coloradoan, I should be used to this by now but I never seem to be prepared for the change to colder weather!

Speaking of changes, a couple of updates to report on the blog.

1. This blog will no longer be posting every week. Changes have not been occurring regularly enough to warrant a blog posting about updates. I will post at least monthly to be able to report any changes made.

2. As of this writing, there are some issues if you are searching for materials. We apologize for the inconvenience this may be causing you and hope to have it resolved yet today. For any searches and holds of materials, feel free to use the Classic Catalog tab.

Happy winter to those who are watching the snowflakes fly!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Voiced your opinion yet?

Have you got a few minutes to spare? Then we are interested in hearing from you - about your experiences and interactions with your library branch. Follow the How Are We Doing link in the Help Footer to the survey. We hope to hear from you as often as you would like to provide input!